Group Dashboard Instructions

Note: Group Dashboards are only visible to the Owner of the group and individuals designated as “Admin” by the Owner.

Group Name & Description

  • When you access your group dashboard, you will see the name of your organization and a brief description of the group
  • You can edit the name and/or the description if you like – simply make your changes and click “Update Group”

Adding Group Members

  • To add a new group member, enter the individual’s:
    • First name
    • Last name
    • Email address
    • Leave the remaining boxes blank
  • Do not check the box to “disable the group invite email”
  • An email will be automatically generated and sent to each member inviting them to join
  • The invite enables the user to establish their own password

The Dashboard also allows you to see the number of seats remaining in your account.

Need to Import a Large List of Group Members?

Have a long list of potential members? Or want to set up your members’ usernames/passwords? We can help you with that – contact us at to learn more.

Managing Group Members

Once members are added, they will be listed in the Group Dashboard as follows:

  • Invited: they have received the invite, but have not yet clicked on a link in their email to set up their password
  • Member: they have set up their password and their account is now fully activated
  • Admin: a member designated as “Admin” by the Owner – they can also access and edit the Group Dashboard

If an individual fails to activate their account, you can resend the invite OR click “Set as Member”. If you do the latter, they will still need to set a password, which they can do by clicking on “Lost your Password” on the login page.

You can also remove any members from the Group by clicking “Remove from Group”.